Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Toot's 4th set of puppies

She is so getting fix after this.  Another accidental breeding.  I kept her in my room while she was in heat.  Away from the boys.  But one of the boys was very sneaky.  He hid under the bed quietly.  His presence was unknown to me.  Until I woke up and found them stuck.  You know I was furious.  But life has it's way coming to existence.  Who am I stop stop it.

These photos were taken on April 20th.  I think, two days after she gave birth to 11 pups.

She's a good mom.  She would step out from her geodesic dome, squat and drop the newborn, bloody puppy and she would carry it back inside her little hut, clean them up and repeated it 10 more times.

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