Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 3 - of Toot's New Born Pups

At three days old, they are still in my bedroom closet.  We keep the blanket that they sleep in constant rotation with new clean blankets.  So we constantly have the washing machine running.  And because we have a fairly warm weather still, we have no problem drying the blankets outside.  That's should save some money for not using a dryer.  She has used a lot of towels.  Toot is still discharging plenty of blood. 

She's very protective of her pups.  So when friends stop by and check them out, they have to hurry look and leave the room.  Toot's gets quickly aggressive by standing with the quickness and gives her growl following some serious barking.  Talk about a protective mother.

Anyway here are some photos I've taken.

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