Thursday, April 30, 2015

3rd Update of Toot and her puppies

These photos were taken on the 25th of April

Here is her house again.  I probably mentioned before but this is a 1V geodesic dome, made out of 1/2 metal conduit and it's galvanized.  What I really like about it is:
  • It is very light
  • It can be taken apart for transport.  
  • Made out of 2.5ft struts, 25 of them, formed into a pentagon shape.
  • I wrapped it with chicken wire, attached with zip ties.
  • Covered with tarp.
  • I have a scarf, hanging like a curtain on the opening to keep bugs at bay. 

here is my queen B with her pups.  and they are gonna need their good forever home.

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