Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Coconut Oil for fleas - does it really work?

I don't know how I found out about Coconut Oil for fleas.  But I felt the need to try it.  I watched one video on YouTube about it and read a blog with lots of feedback about it and how it does work.  Maybe one reader didn't work for them.  But I am willing to try.

So I went to Kroger grocery store to get some organic Coconut Oil.

In the regular Cooking Oil aisle, I found the store brand as low as $4.99
So I bought one of those.

In the health freak section of the store for the same size it cost $8.49 
But I bought the larger size for $14.99.  It's Organic, I don't know if its cold press.  Because according to the blog, you must use Cold Press Coconut Oil.
here's the link to the blog where I read this info from:

Yesterday was the first Try.  I will continue to use it on my 6 dogs until I runs out.  and will update this blog.  

I do know one thing.  It was use in my hometown (The Philippines) as our hair and scalp treatment.  So will see.  

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