Tuesday, April 28, 2015

2nd update of Toot's new pups

Here are more updates of Toot's new born puppies. These photos were taken on 23rd of April

She keeps a close eyes of her doggie yurt, or geodesic dome. She doesn't stray far at all.  Staying out for only few seconds at a time. 

I was really glad to her her house ready.  It's a 1V geodesic dome.  It perfectly fits a children's plastic swimming pool.  Which I used as her for her and her puppies.  It's not perfect but perfect for her.  It keeps them dry and off the dirt.  We had rain and thunderstorm just about every other day and they are doing very well inside.  

I fed her boiled chicken and rice for the first couple of days of the delivery to help her form good milk.  Sometimes I would add carrots and potatoes instead of rice.  She loves it.  She eats about 3-4 times a day.  She lets me know by barking at my bedroom window.

Yesterday, she had boiled fish, carrots and potatoes.
She'll go through a dozen boiled eggs.
I try to keep her on most protein (meaty) diet. when my wallet allows it. 

I want the puppies to have a good immune system.  I think a good diet is important.

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