Monday, March 24, 2014

Update on Brownie

Brownie had some issues lately.  But its not really his fault.  I consider him the best of the boys.  Although he is a professional escape artist, he knows how to return home immediately.  I never really had problems without.  But since we've moved to our new house, within a month, he managed to get attacked by crazy ass Chopper.  Even though, Brownie, was just greeting him with kisses, chopper responded with aggressive behavior.  Luckily, Desmond was outside with his friends and quickly put  a stop to it.     Then couple of weeks later him and Heatlor got into a major confrontation and they end up bloody.  I thought at first that Brownie wasn't badly injured, 'till a week past and I smelled dead carcass on him and realized it was the cut under his mouth or should I chin.  It was about two inches wide and it was pretty nasty, nasty enough for me to rush him to the vet the next day.  Dr. Griffin kept him overnight and stitch him up the next day during surgery.  He's all brand new now.

So, he got his 2nd dose of Rabie shot, Ivermectin, and some antibiotic he has to take twice a day.
He gave me hard time trying to take picture of his wound. 

car ride with Brownie is no hassle.  He's a good boy.

after his overnight at the vet

Update photos of Toot

Amazingly Toot, our first pitbull dog is doing great.  No sign of her mange ever emerged after our weekend trip to Jacksonville beach.  Not only she enjoyed herself, but it seems that the sulfur in beach water cured her mange. 

I don't never have to worry about her.  She likes it outside and prefers to sleep outside at night.  Funny how she now have a habit of laying a piece of blanket or carpet to lay on.  She is the ultimate no worry, black and white, pitbull dog.  

Update condition of Princess

Princess is doing much better.  She completed her antibiotic medicine and she is now on her 2nd batch of her mange medicine.  She looks better and much more alert and playful.  Her eyes aren't so bad either.  She still on her mange medication and planning on keeping her per vet recommendation.  Dr Griffin vet hospital is our choice of pet doctor. 

Here are some update photos of Princess.

Update photos of The Chopper

My brindle pitbull lounging in this spring sunny weather.
He has become more teritorial and over protective, so we only allow him to be outside with the girls.  The male dogs, he has no patient with.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to fix your fence yarn for your dogs

We just moved in the new house and ofcourse a new backyard.  Although we checked the fence to see if there are ways our dogs can get out, we weren't really sure how thorough our inspection until the dogs get here and search all the nook and crannies of our new back yard.  And sure enough, we find our dogs seating in our front yard.  and that is a NO NO!  So we found their escape route and use this wire fencing with ziplock to hold it together.  and it's working so far.

There were a tree that fell and damaged this area of the fence and that is how the dogs were escaping and entering our neighbor's yard.  I bought a 50ft x 3ft metal fencing and I was able to go around the tree and secure their escape route.  

I used zipties to hold and secure the fencing together.  I also had to buy a wire cutter.  The fencing material was about $20 and the wire cutter was about $10 and zipties for $1

I was able to remedy another small area and still have plenty of this wire fencing.  Hopefully this will give you guys ideas how to solve your own fencing problems.

Here's an update photo of this fencing project, March 25, 2014
I was afraid that the dogs might try to climb over the fence, so I layed another row of it on top of the first one. so now it's double the height.  Now I know they won't definitely go through this area.

Beautiful day for my pitbulls

It is a gorgeous day today.  My pitbulls seems to be just chilling and enjoying their 60-70 degree weather.  I just wanted to share some photos of Heatlor, Brownie and Bullet.

bullet the youngest of the pack.  He's only 4-5 months old.  But he is a beautiful dog both inside and out.  Very playful, fast, and have a huge appetite.  

Everybody seems to put up with him, specially Heatlor.  The only one that have no tolerance for Bullet is Chopper.  He has aggressively scorned him 3 times already and drew blood each time.  Bullet has learned to sway away from this psychotic dog.  I don't like him either. Although he hasn't done anything to me or any of our family member, he is very jealous and protective pitbull and I'm afraid he has to be re-home as an only dog, and away from children and other dogs.