Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Water for dogs

Now pitbulls are about one year old.  And they love drinking water, specially in the summer time.  Sometimes when I come home, I would find their water bowl empty and dried up.  So in our new home I device a way for them to have plenty of water without buying some expensive water dispenser. 

I had this spare of medium size plastic bins that use to hold some junk.  I thought it would be  perfect for the girls to hold their water.  So I washed it and bleached it and filled it up with water and now I don't have to worry about them running out of water through the day.  Sometimes it last them a couple of days. 

roxy love toys.  I was looking on line for dog freesbies and they all cost about $3-$5.  So when I visited walmart pet section, I saw these freesbies for $1 each and I grab a couple.  As you can see there are bite marks on this thing.  that's Pitbull's Marks!

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