Sunday, August 27, 2023

My dog is sick

 Princess has been pooping black stool since Friday and it’s Sunday today.  We couldn’t get a visit to Griffin animal hospital because she haven’t been there for years and no longer accepting new clients.  Even tho we frequent them for their monthly flea medicine.

Dr. Griffin is so affordable, I guess that’s why he has so many clients.  So I guess we go see the Hudspeth animal hospital.  I will call them tomorrow to make appointment or have an emergency visit. Which will cost me $115 plus treatment.  I’m gonna pay it because I don’t like to see her like this.

We took her to the park yesterday.  Hopefully she’ll eat grass and get somewhat better and maybe puke out what ever it is that’s ailing her.  She did eat grass but she mainly sat at the park.  She seems very low energy and not herself.  She hasn’t eaten since Friday which worry me. 

But Dr. Hudspeth took care of her last time even tho it was expensive. Hopefully they will be able to help us again.

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