I've been super busy lately. I didn't even get a chance to let you guys know that Toot gave birth to 8 puppies over a week ago. She gave birth in my room. I bought her a plastic swimming pool so she wouldn't make a mess and I placed a tarp on the floor. and I'm so glad I did that. But my room is definitely a temporary place for her. So after a couple of days, I hurry up to build her a 1V geoodesic dome, made out of metal conduit. I bought 25 pieces of 10 ft tall 1/2 in diameter metal pipes from Lowes at $2.44 each. I cut them in half an end up with 50 pieces. But I just needed 25 pieces to create this 1V geodesic dome. So I have enough for another dome.
this is a sample of a 1V geodesic dome
here is another sample of a 1V geodesic dome
The idea is to wrap chicken wire or metal fencing wire around the dome and cover it with tarp, so Toot should have a safe place for her and her newborn pups.
So here is what I ended up with. I completed the frame in one day.
Cut the pipes in half, so you have 5ft tall pieces. and you need 25 of them
Flattened the ends, about 1.5 inches on each end of the pipes or struts.
Drill holes on each end, about .75 inches away from edges.
and you put the pieces together with 1/4 two inches long nuts, bolts and washers. and Viola!, you have a dome for dogs! or I have a dome for my pitbull and her puppies. Well its definitely cheaper than purchasing a dog kennel for $200 bucks. and this is way portable and easy to disassemble, in case you'r renting like we do.
Here she is below, with her puppies and all.
I just used zip ties to hold the wire mesh and bungee chords to secure the opening, till I can complete her door.