Thursday, December 12, 2013

De-worming the puppies

The puppies are being de-worm for roundworms today.
So far, Coco and Godzilla have taken their those.
The two black and white girls are done.
Next Bear and Black.
I'm not sure if I should do Black, because he's so skinny but very active.  He doesn't have a pot belly like the rest of them.  I'll probably monitor is movement more before I de-worm him.

For their treatment, I'm using this Pro-Sense Roundworm liquid de-wormer.  Will see how effective this product will be.  

According to their directions, 1 tps per 10 lbs.  I gave Coco and Godzilla 1/2 teaspoon.
But since he's so much bigger than Coco, I'll give him another 1/2 before the night is over with.

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