Saturday, May 25, 2013

Brownie's second visit to the vet

We took Brownie to the vet Friday, May 24th, for his second visit regarding his mange.  He got weight and he is now 52 lbs.  10 more lbs. since his last visit.  There is much improvement from his mange and I wanted to continue his treatment, because it appears to no longer getting better.  I finally called the vet and asked if we could just get refill for his medications but they wanted him to come in to get weight.  We were only charged $15.00 for his medication.  If I knew that I would have taken him much sooner.

As per vet, he is to take 1.4ml of his medication daily.  and I hope he does get well and much better and fully recover from this disease.

I still would rather take him to the beach and let him play in the water.  I really believe that's what healed his mother Toot.

after the vet visit.  I spent time with him at our front yard to pick black berries.

he seems to like 'em

as you can see, he's face is still red from mange

Brownie's prescribed mange medication

Griffin's Animal Hospital, is our choice for our Pitbulls 

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