Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My dog was attacked by another dog.

I don't know if you could say my pittbull was attacked.  Ok, maybe she wasn't.  According to my daughter, who was walking the dogs, out dogs escaped from her grasps.  And headed to our neigbhor's pittbull that was chained up by the side of their house.  I heard her scream and I ran out to see what it was about.  At first I thought Roxy was hit by a car.  But it was worst.  When I finally found them next door, the neigbhor's dog had Roxy in between her fangs.  I went into panicked mode and started kicking and punching the other.  Finally the dog gave in and let her loosed.  She ran home, probably traumatized from reactions.  Afterwards, I felt sorry for the other dog over my violence.  But I wasn't gonna let her kill Roxy.  Roxy seems to be healing good but she's still apprehensive but slowly returning to her self.

This incident really made me realized how much I hate people who fights dogs. 

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