Sunday, March 31, 2024

Saturday at the Park with Hershey

I'm happy why my dog is happy.   and her happy place is this park.
She gets to somewhat run loose.

That's my pity bull

Hershey playing with me.

This is Emerson Park in Macon Georgia. The park is huge.  There's plenty of room.  and we carved a little area away from the public to let Hershey out and run around.
It's just her now.  She's my last pup.  
Toot, Roxy, Rico, Hitler, Brownie, Princess, Solo and Princess.  I took care of all of them till death due us part.  I missed them.  Sometimes more than my humans.  is that strange?

I'm glad Tracy took us here today.  Even if it just for a little bit.
We didn't see the lady today.  She wasn't at her usual spot.
I hope everything is ok with her.