Needed some cat and dog food. We stop by at Walmart and grabbed somethings for our furry pets.
They can’t eat just can food all the time. So I grabbed some Fancy Feast dry food for the twins.
I also grabbed some Sardines. Which they just had two cans already. Sardines in water is what I get for my two cats and my dog Hershey. The hot sauce Sardines are for me.
And I can’t believe this was $5 bucks from Walmart.
As you can see they have a bed sitting on top of an IKEA Raskog cart
So I’m planning on adding the 2nd bed on the 2nd shelf of this cart. But I think they are over growing it. So the plan B is to buy another cart from Harbor Freight. Which is twice the cost or maybe more.
When I first purchased one of these, it cost around $39. Everything has sky rocketed in price. But I think their bed will fit generously on top of this.
And for Hershey, I bought her a new sleeping bag for her bedding. She needed a new one. We threw the old one away, cleaned her bed bucket, which is a cement plastic mixing bowl.
That’s what I used for my dog’s very own bed. I just add a sleeping bag for comfort on it.