Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gordon animal clinic

We visited our local vet and asked to schedule and how much the fee for getting our Princess fixed.  But they are books for couple of weeks.  and My boyfriend was concerned that she might have gotten knocked up by her brother Rico.  And he's not looking forward for a new pack of pitbull puppies.  But on our way out someone mentioned Gordon Animal clinic and they guaranteed that they can do it today and for a minimal fee.  So I called and they were right.  They asked us to come in, mind you, it is Saturday.  They welcome walk-ins.  When we got there, which is somewhere in the country ...  I was glad.  But after a few minutes... you couldn't help but be absorb by the stench.  My gosh there must be a way to get rid of the smell.  It even got worst when you came inside the facility.  That didn't deter us from fulfilling our task of today, to get her fix, even though my stomach couldn't bare it.  All I kept thinking about was all the germs around this place.  Kept asking myself, do they clean up this facility after hours??? Do they disinfect it every so often???  

Anyway, I never did got the answers to my questions but 3 weeks later.  My princess is doing well and no problems at all.

So other than the smell... Gordon animal clinic is all right.

New leather dog harness

You can tell this harness is very well made.  We got it while we were waiting for her to get fix about 3 weeks ago.  It cost about $20 something.  and it is easy put on and off.  We also got her that new pink collar.  and I think it will last her some times.

She's fixed.

Today mark the 3rd week Princess was fixed.  We brought her home that day all drugged up.  I was concerned at first.  Because she wasn't eating as usual.  and we had to wait to feed her 24 hours after her surgery.  And even then her stool was some what bloody.  But she's all back to normal now.  But best of all sh'es fix and no puppies for her.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

No leash required

They are not trained to walk without a leash.  I think we fear more that we will get in trouble than them causing one.  But I love this park.  It is huge enough and not hardly use by Maconites.  Therefore no leash required when we stroll along  the path.  City Park in Macon Georgia.

🐕 world

It's a doggy dog world.

When you have a dog, you have all the reason you need to visit  every park in your city.  and my dogs love to get up early Saturday mornings and can't wait to see which parks we visit.  
Today we are enjoying the massive City Macon Park.  Although it is going under construction, we still manage to enjoy the outskirt  of it.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Getting Princess Fix at Gordon Animal Clinic


We stopped by the shop next door and got her this leather harness that fits her very well.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Princess looking out the window

She hears everything.  No sound from outside escape her ears.  She always dashes to the window seal and have a look at who is passing by.  I got to get her a new collar.  

Playing frisbee with princess

What she lives for.  Frisbee time!

 I've been buying cheap frisbee from dollar tree store and they only last a few throws.  Specially when playing with her brothers or others. So other i bought one from Tractor and Supply and it cost a little bit more.  Definitely worth it because it ia not just some hard plastic.   It is jelly like but durable and flexible.  

Savannah summer heat

Was walking in one of Savannah's park last month and witnessed this dog ran quickly to a bushy grass and suddenly just sat.  We know it must be the summer heat.  Poor thing.  We make it a habit to bring a gallon of water and a bowl whenever we take the dogs for a walk.  Specially during the summer. 

Rico and his new floor mat

He's been sleeping in the kitchen, on the floor without anything to lay on.  So my boyfriend got him this bathroom floor mat and he loves it.  It has extra padding for cushion.  Which I'm pretty sure he's appreciating.

Suitecase dog bed

Visited my mom and sisters not too long ago and my mother gave me this suitcase because of extra things to carry back home.   The poor princess doesn't have her own bedding yet.  So after placing a pillow in it.  She quickly realized it was meant for her.  and yes it was.  I hope my mother is not reading this.  

Flea Prevention for dogs

If you have been following my blog, you probably have read all of the things I tried to keep dog fleas at bay.  I have fallen victim to modern medication because it works.  Here it is, my vet recommended this pill.  It cost about $20 bucks give or take.  My dogs had to get  weigh in because this medication varies depends on the weight of your dog.  

But the good thing is it does work.  and last up to a month.  Adult fleas that bites your dog will die.  I have to ask my vet to see if it also prevents ticks.

No fleas and no problems.  and I am a happy dog owner.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Princess looking out the window

 Our new place on Burke Street.  I don’t mind her jumping on the couch to see what’s happening outside.  

Princess, my pittybull

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Recycled or Upcycle car tires as dog bed

I have many dogs, nine to be exact and your typical store bought dog bed just don't do for us. They end up tearing them up to pieces.  So I thought a recycled or upcycled car tire as a diy dog bed will be perfect.  What do you think?

Here are some examples I found online.